Brief: Promoting the independent production “Déjà vu”, directed by Dan Chisu. The movie tells the story of Mihai, who has an affair with Tania for 3 years and decides to confess his relationship to his wife. The main character doesn’t appear in any scene, he is revealed through the eyes of his mother, his mistress and his wife. The spectator sees only what Mihai sees in 75 minutes of his life.
Action: We used a mix of PR, ATL, BTL and social media tactics. Our creative team designed the movie poster, the roll-up, the web banners and the invitations. The radio commercial and the Facebook and online content were our creations, as well. Journalists and bloggers were invited to separated previews, were Dan Chisu and the actors were present for Q&As. The movie’s premiere was a success, gathering numerous VIPs and film critics. Dan Chisu and his team were invited in TV and radio shows. We also maintained a good relation with journalists from all the cities were the film was screened.