
Brief: In order to encourage students to read and to facilitate their access to books from the high school curricula, Vodafone in partnership with BookLand and McCann Erickson Romania developed the project „Biblioteca Digitala”. A big poster with the name of the books and their QR codes was applied in over 300 high schools all over the country so students can download books for free.

Action: We’ve briefed 450 high schools throughout the entire country via emailing and telemarketing, 300 of these offering us their formal approval to launch this project in their institution. We’ve benefited by the entire support of the Romanian Education and Research Ministry, as well as a part of the County School Inspectorates (including Bucharest). 303 high schools from 17 cities were decorated with „Biblioteca Digitala” poster. 83 high schools were in Bucharest, including Colegiul National Gheorghe Lazar, Colegiul National I. L. Caragiale, Liceul de Arte Plastice Nicolae Tonitza, Colegiul National Iulia Hasdeu, Scoala Centrala and Colegiul National Ion Creanga.

Results: The project was a real success. We’ve received very good feedback from students, teachers and parents.