Active Watch – “An accesible city for people” March
Brief: The march took place on 19th of July and it was dedicated to the rights
Brief: The march took place on 19th of July and it was dedicated to the rights
Brief: A social event under the theme “Equal Access In Public Space” was developed for
7 years Anniversary party Brief: The yearly event should gather the most important clients across
Brief: Design & produce a stand that makes a differentiation. Action: In a very short period
IT Campus Launching Brief: An elegant event that celebrated the relocation of Omnilogic in a
Launch in Pitesti Launch in Pitesti Brief: A store launche to raise OBI brand notoriety
Training de dictie, atitudine si vanzari Brief: The event took place in an appropriate venue,
LG Cool Conferences Brief: Event that helps reinforcing LG image and national distribution. The objectives
Action: La finalul lunii Noiembrie a avut loc in Bucuresti o prima intalnire a reprezentantilor
Brief: A creative, socializing event to say hello to the Business Partners and impose Astra
Public relations marketing agency & digital marketing, focused on efficient solutions for visionary brands.
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