Groupe SEB
Brief: concept, promotion, mechanism, implementation for a cartridge 6 months discount program in Altex
Brief: concept, promotion, mechanism, implementation for a cartridge 6 months discount program in Altex
Brief: This magic cocktail was a great opportunity to maintain and further to sustain a
Brief: After 5 years on the Romanian market, in September 2012 it was the moment
Brief: Takko Fashion wanted a press event for presenting the fall collection. But the goal
Brief: A serie of 3 trainings organized in Bucharest and Poiana Brasov, to strengthen relations
Brief: The press conference occasioned by the National Finals of Rowenta Elite Model Look, at
Brief: The most awaited event of the year by advertising fans, the 19th edition of
Brief: A mass-media event for launching the silent vacuum cleaner – Rowenta Silence Force –
Brief: Takko Fashion wanted a press event for presenting the fall collection. But the goal
Brief: Raise female Romanian fashion bloggers’ awareness and interest towards Deichmann brand, as an affordable
Public relations marketing agency & digital marketing, focused on efficient solutions for visionary brands.
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